Knowledge is the driving force behind this intellectual world. Without knowledge, there can be no innovation or invention. It is the source of power and authority. The goal should be developing a strong personality. But the traditional system of Indian education has failed to meet the ends of the right education system. The right knowledge teaches you to live your life and not just survive.
Transform Your Life to Embrace the Challenges and Be the Winner
The Dynamics of Parent Child Relationship
To begin with, parenting has never been a cakewalk, even during the best of times. Therefore, one can jolly well visualize the additional responsibilities and risks it brings in not-so-favourable times. Though globally, parenting is marked by many similarities in terms of nurturing, socializing, educating and training, we find considerable cultural differences in parenting techniques.
Personality Development- The Perfect Route to Attain Success
When you meet people, what grabs your attention? Their personality, right? You must have heard people talking like that person has an amazing personality. I wish I could be like him/her. Some people have such impressive personalities that you desire to develop a personality like them. Just think, whenever you hear the word personality who comes to your mind, or what kind of people seize your consideration?
Learning Skills You Should Have to Attain a Successful Career
Skills are one of the most valuable assets in your life and learning skills are one of them. Learning skills can be exercised throughout life to communicate effectively and accomplish your goals. These can incessantly be developed and enhanced to complete your everyday tasks and attain your career milestones.