

Mastering the Art of Parenting: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Handle Teenagers

Mastering the Art of Parenting: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Handle Teenagers
Home > Blog Teenage or adolescence can be best understood as the transitional period between childhood to adulthood. A journey that is never going to be an easy one. In today’s society, teenagers have emerged as a unique breed of mankind that constantly struggles for self-discovery while tackling societal norms…

Nature’s Remedy: Harnessing the Power of Ways to Overcome Depression Naturally

Nature's Remedy Harnessing the Power of Ways to Overcome Depression Naturally
Home > Blog Depression, a formidable foe affecting countless lives, is a mental health challenge far beyond feeling a little blue. It casts a heavy shadow, enveloping individuals in a relentless storm of emotions and thoughts, dampening their spirit and dimming the colours of life. But amidst the darkness, there…

Addressing the Problems Faced by Employees: Unlocking Potential

Addressing the Problems Faced by Employees Unlocking Potential
Home > Blog No workplaces are without challenges. You just cannot expect to join a corporate office where everything will go according to the plan. You have to know what challenges you should be ready for and how to overcome them. Workplace challenges can have a deep effect on your…

30 Days To Be Happy

30 Days To Be Happy -An Experiment that Will Change Your Life In The Best Possible Manner

Is there anything that you are postponing for days, months or even years? It could be exercise, learning a new skill, taking a course, getting married, writing or anything. We all delay certain things sometimes at some point in our lives.

Nurturing well-being and cultivating happy hormone: A focus on mental health

Nurturing well-being and cultivating happy hormone: A focus on mental health
Home > Blog In today’s fast-paced world, the pursuit of a fulfilling life is intricately linked to managing stress and safeguarding our mental well-being. The relentless demands of our personal and professional lives can significantly impact our mental health, underscoring the importance of seeking assistance to overcome these challenges. As…

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Talk to Ritu Singal

Life Coach
