“Organic” is quite the buzzword today. And for all the right reasons! The word “organic” refers to the methods through which certain foods are produced without using any artificial chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, or genetically engineered organisms.
Developing a Strong Personality
Each one of us is unique in their own ways. We all have varied thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that make us who we are- our personality. And it is our personality that shapes our unique strengths, weaknesses, and preferences and our interactions with others.
Mental Health: The Matters That Matter
Being a life coach, I get to talk to many people having mental health problems. Such problems contribute to the issues which people bring to a life coach. The life coach needs to work on such issues to realize the most from the consultation process.
A Time Management Coach on Time Management Techniques
See how time just flies in no time! If for a company or organization, the work time lost may mean money lost but for people, personally, time lost may translate into an irreparable loss – of opportunities and potential achievements. Time isn’t just money, as a popular airlines’ tagline claims; rather, time is EVERYTHING! To know its truth, simply ask someone who has missed many golden opportunities in life and now regrets it.
Major Issues in Counselling for Family Problems
We all start life with a family – of blood relatives, adopted parents or foster members. Our families are always there to support us in our need and difficulties. Having said that, family life isn’t always perfect as many issues can crop up.