Managing Stress: A visionary Guide with the Help of a Psychological Counselor
Home > Blog Retrieving my pen and diary from my purse, I was excited to mark my dream destination as the train approached the station. Yet, my focus shifted as I observed the individual seated beside me. This person was visibly sweating and appeared utterly baffled as he grappled with…
Couples of the digital era – The role of an online marriage counselor
Home > Blog Does every marriage always resemble a joyous merry-go-round, as seen in “reel” lives? Not. It is indeed a blend of imperfections and stressors as well. Although the internet has an overflow of information, sometimes guiding people through inaccurate perceptions, the same buttons can help in approaching services…
12 Reasons Why Team Building is Vital for Your Company’s Success
Home > Blog Sometimes the lines separating business coaching and team building training get hazy. However, there is a distinct difference between the two activities, and they both serve important purposes in the development of a company. Both parties care about the professional growth of staff members to increase their…
The Cupid-istic Power of Couples Counseling
Home > Blog Life these days has become so taxing that even a simple emotion like love has become complicated. Navigating through love, romance and relationships has never been more difficult than now. The fast paced nature and shortage of time is partly responsible for today’s Modern Relationship Problems. However,…
A keynote Speaker’s way through life
Home > Blog Failures make a man successful, it is said. Being a woman, though failures had me go through my share of bad days, learning and unlearning, it has led me to where I stand today. I, Ritu Singal, have 15 years of experience as a life coach, and…