I Don’t Know What to Do With My Life? Here are 6 Steps to Get Released

6 Steps to get released

I Don’t Know What to Do With My Life? Here are 6 Steps to Get Released

Perhaps there are a few days in everybody's life when everybody feels stuck on some of the other
things. There may be some off-days in our lives when we don't feel like working or talking to anyone,
even if that person is so close to our heart. We feel sad and depressed. There are situations when
the real cause of our sadness is not even known, but we feel sad. We feel like we cry and cry and
weep. Wondering over something sad that happened a while ago in our life. We can only find ways
to cry and always stick to one thing only "I don't know what to do with my life."
In our life, we can have any kind of stress or tension; relationship stress, study stress, family
pressures, or any kind of mental stress that we may experience. The first and foremost thing we
have to do to avoid stress is to keep ourselves happy and occupied at all times.
Being happy doesn’t mean that you always have to wear a fake smile on your face just to show
yourself and others that you are happy, but you actually need to keep yourself happy.
Now the question which arises in your mind would be ‘Is there any good way to Keep me happy?’
Well, the answer to your question is yes. Life Coach Ritu Singal has listed several ways of how you
can keep yourself happy and satisfied even when you are not feeling it.

But before that I would like you to read my story, a real story. With the help of her I am now being
able to find my inner peace and also the answer to my own question “I don’t know what to do with
my life”.
I used to write a story when I was a girl. I used to sit by myself in my room for hours, writing off,
about aliens, monsters, great warriors, family, and friends. Just that I had decided to read it to
someone. But I wanted to please my teachers and friends. Just for the pure pleasure thereof.
And then I stopped for some reason. And I do not know why.
As a kid, we all seem to lose contact with what we loved. The fire is drained out of us by something
about the social stresses of puberty and the professional expectations of young adulthood.

We’retold that if we're somehow rewarded for it the only incentive to do something is. And the world's
relational existence ultimately hampers us and makes us feel lost or trapped.
Only when I was in my mid-20s did I rediscover how much I enjoyed writing. And it wasn't until I
began the company that I realized how much I loved designing websites — everything I did for joy in
my teenage years.
The funny thing though, is that when my 8-year-old self asked my 20-year-old self, "Why are you no
longer writing? "And I replied, 'because I'm not good at it,' or 'because no one will read what I'm
saying,' or 'because you can't make money doing that,' not only will I be totally wrong, but that
eight-year-old part of me would also have begun to cry. The eight-year-old boy didn't care about
Google traffic or the virality of social media or book advances. He just wanted to be playing. And that
is always where the excitement begins: with a sense of play.
Now I am going to discuss a few key points of how Ritu Singal helped me find an answer to my
1.      Keep yourself occupied when you are feeling low
Life Coach gave her clients very good advice which says that you must keep yourself occupied with
some work even when you are not feeling like doing it. It will not only help you eliminate the
negative thoughts which might be stuck in your head but will also give you reasons to smile. Life is
not easy at all. We have to see all the ups and downs in life. The only thing which matters is how
strong we keep ourselves when a difficult situation prevails. That will be our real test in which if we
pass that will prove to be our victory.

2.      Talk to yourself
The next thing which she explains is that we must talk to ourselves when we feel that “I don’t know
what to do with my life”. Talking to yourself gives you an idea of the matter which is bothering you
from inside and also gives you a direction or a path in which you must go in order to make yourself
away from the negative thoughts which are hampering your performance in anything. Talking to
yourself and introspecting is the best way to heal yourself. Listening to your inner voice helps in
order to procure something.
3.      Remove the ones who are troubling you
If you are stressed because of the negative environment at your workplace just because of some
toxic people working out there; just ignore them. Ignore their presence. Think off as they just don’t
exist for you there. Doing this will give you mental satisfaction and also will give you a satisfactory
mind to focus on your work more efficiently.
For most people, the purpose of life is to earn money but only in an environment where you enjoy
your work and not doing it just because you want to earn. If you are not having your mental stability
in your office environment then you should move on from that place. Being surrounded by negative
vibes will always keep you demotivated which is just not a good sign.
4.      Take a deep breath
Open yourself up in the fresh air outside. Keep yourself rejuvenated away from the stressful
environment. This will keep you happy and away from the negative vibes, your mind goes through.

Try making a habit of going out in the fresh air to have a walk. Take your ear-plugs along with you.
Enjoy slow music and nature. It will not only make your inner-self happy but would also give you the
motivation to work more and more and also keep your mind fresh with peace in your soul.
5.      Move Out in the world
The trip will help you find your path out of it if you’re caught in a negative spiral.
That just doesn’t imply you must do the whole six-month hiking and camping thing, go to a temple
for a week, or head off into the mountains with only a walking stick and a water bottle.
Any other kind of travel that drives you out from your daily routine will help you see where to go
next. You don’t have to have a large budget or load of free time. It might be a break from the city
somewhere you always wished to go. It can even be just a day trip to the shore.
Do not push yourself, when you are abroad, to look for ways to find sense or reason. Travel worth is
much subtler than that. This is what NLP gurus call an interrupted pattern. The idea goes that you
become too relaxed to really know how or what you need to do when you do the same thing over
and over.

A break is a way to interrupt your normal relaxed habits and let your mind open up to new
possibilities. You will not actually perceive any noticeable improvement but your subconscious will
become more aware of your desire to do things differently.
And, of course, you could just acquire some information or experience which will lead you to a new
6.      Interact with the ones you love
Modern cultures have tended to have inherent hierarchies and paths to life. Young people will step
into adulthood with full confidence as to what their position would be in life. They gained respect as
people grew older and were expected to lead the next generation.
Our new atomized cultures are functioning very differently. We're born into a world where we have
to compete with others to get jobs that allow us to make enough money to eat well, socialize, and
have a nice place to live. We have to make regular decisions about what to do with our lives. At
school and college, we select what subjects to learn. We determine among thousands of different
options for a career. We browse through dating websites to find the right partner for you.
We also make these decisions when we arrive at a specific stage of life, not because we are ready to
make them. And because the option is so huge, we end up hobbling in the dark, selecting directions
despite having either the information or direction we need to make good choices.
There may be some advice from our teachers and parents, but the number of things we can do with
our futures is so wide that few of us can get very expert guidance about what we want to do. Those
who do are probably those who follow their parents into the same profession or joining the family
business and then spend a lot of their lives questioning if it was the right choice.
Most people are most likely to feel dejected from life in many situations. Let’s have a look at some
of the situations in particular:


∙        Work Stress
∙        Heartbreak
∙        Family Issues
∙        Losing someone special
∙        FOMO – Fear of Missing Out
∙        Betrayals
∙        Extra-Marital Affairs (in case you are married)
7. Stay away from social media
Human beings are social creatures. To succeed in life we need the companionship of others and the
strength of our relationships has a significant effect on our mental wellbeing and happiness. Being
socially associated with others will relieve tension, anxiety, and depression, improve self-esteem,
provide warmth and pleasure, avoid isolation, and even add years to your life. On the flip side, your
mental and emotional health can be at significant risk if you lack good social ties.

All face stressors every day. Some are planned, or routine even. Others come and take us by
surprise. Either way, every day we have to handle a certain amount of tension, and most of the time
we do it without even thinking about it.
But there are also many occasions when we need to make a deliberate effort to cope with the
tension, and coping with people who are unpleasant or "toxic" is only one. If their acts are irritating,
cruel, or simply negative, being constructive, and learning how to handle them and stress is the best
strategy for dealing with difficult people.
9. Learn something new to manage stress
Many people deal with tension at work by buckling down and pushing through. But that isn't a
perfect way to help alleviate the fear. Try instead to reframe the difficult situation as an opportunity
to learn. Learning something new adds to your skills and experience and helps you improve
competency and development feelings which can relieve stress feelings.
You will share it from others, as well. For example, get feedback from colleagues, rather than just
grappling with a problem in your mind. Talking to them about a difficult situation will uncover secret
insights, either from their experiences or from the questions and viewpoints they would bring.

And don't think about studying as an extra layer of work; think about it as a break from the hard
work of getting the job completed. Framing learning as a means of relaxation will make it more
attractive and more likely to create an enjoyable, positive experience.
10. Attitude for Gratitude
One of the easiest ways to maintain thanks is to keep a journal of appreciation. Not only can you
combine the benefits of journaling with the successful adoption of a more optimistic mentality, but
you are also left with a nice archive of good memories and a long list of things in your life that you
are grateful to for. (It can be fun to read in moments where it's harder to recall what those things
Since habits are typically established within two to three weeks, you'll need to consciously
concentrate on keeping gratitude less and less as you go, and the habit of a more optimistic (and less
stress-inducing) mindset will be more natural. And could be yours to have greater feelings of mental
health. You can also watch the video for always showing gratitude.
Ritu Singal is a very happy and motivated person in her life. She explains and handles every problem
with instant solutions in the head. Also, she takes every problem in a positive way and solves it with
a happy mood.

We all are born with a mission, Let's fulfill it
-Happy Life Coach

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