“Simplicity is the peak of civilization.” – Jessie Sumpter
Always Preoccupied With Work
No Time For Self-Care
Growing Responsibilities Of Family
Social Circle Demanding More Time
No Time To Relax
No Peace Of Mind
And so on….the list continues.
There is a lot of load and pressure on this head and shoulders. The mind is continuously active with no relaxation sessions. This life is a race, and everyone is running in the hoard to come first. In this era, growth and development have no limits. The ambitious people have so much to do in very little time. With this are the add-ons of family and social responsibilities.
Simplification of lifestyle is the only process through which one can make life a bit easier and more productive. You can get a break from the balancing act of life and live life a bit more calmly.
Lifecoach Ritu Singal says that simplification has a different significance for everyone. People with varying levels of attitude towards life and routines define a simple life in different styles.
Simplification of life does not mean that your life is going to be very easy. Ups and downs are sure to come. The only thing that changes is that you get a solution to come out of them. However, the answer may be tricky, as well. It will always power and some efforts to follow the decided route.
What does the Simplification of life mean?
Simplification is to cut down the extra steps of your routine to manage your time better and concentrate more on productive aspects of life. It is making life happier, getting more control over your life, and wasting less of your valuable time. It ultimately makes the experience more enjoyable!
It is clearing the clutter of life, both- physical and mental. It means getting rid of unwanted pressure and things you dislike. It is doing something that matters to you and makes your life more fit and happy. You can pursue essential and satisfying things if you have less stuff and fewer obligations. Simplification is an all-pervasive process and can be done anytime and from anywhere.
Simplifying your life is very important because everything in your life takes up space. Whether it’s mental space, physical space, or calendar space, you need so much room. Everything you own, everything you do, and everyone you spend time which costs you something. And when you have an abundance of stuff, it costs you a lot. Simplifying your life will give you more time, space, and energy.
Simplification is a continuous process. As you grow and learn more about this, you can get it done in life. To simplify your lifestyle, one needs to have a broad vision, positive attitude, and awareness. The focus should be on the attainment of a goal and the means to achieve it. The plans may be- short-term goals or long-term goals, personal goals, or career goals. Whatever I may be, everything can be completed more conveniently if you simplify your life and save yourself from all wasteful acts and unhealthy practices.
Simplification of life has to do at many levels as such:
- Physical Level
Pay attention to your health. Being fit and healthy is not only essential for our well being, but also our growth and development. A person who is physically fit is active and energetic the whole day. Tiredness does not come to him quickly. So he is more productive and focused as well.
- Mental Level
Mental well-being is, of course, essential for our existence and happiness. It is an intangible feeling of peace and satisfaction within oneself. If one is mentally fit, he can be more innovative. Practice mediation and listen to awareness programs to enhance your mental health.
- Relationship Management
Emotional intelligence is one of the significant and underestimated abilities essential to turn into a physician leader. Whether you need to keep up better relationships with those above you or wish to deal with your groups all the more successfully, upgrading your emotional intelligence might be the missing piece you require for great results. Having the option to recognize and address feelings, both in you and in others, permits us to experience compassion and, hence, associate entirely with others.
- Personal Relations
Play an essential role in the life of a man. Good relationship bonds and caring relationships are fundamental to the happiness and security of any person.
- Career
Actions have to be taken and plans made to achieve the desired goals. His achievement and post recognize a man. Simplification of life increases the efficiency of working, and thus the achievement of goals becomes more comfortable and feasible in the desired timeline.
Now the next question that arises into your mind is how we can simplify our lives. However, the answer to this question is different for everyone, but a few key points may be related to everyone.
Ways To Simplify Your Life
Set short term goals
Long term goals and new year resolutions are a bit difficult to achieve. Sometimes They don’t give tangible returns shortly. Or else break the goal into small achievable targets. Slowly and steadily, as we keep on moving forward and achieving these mini targets, ultimately, the main target is also performed.
Declutter your closet
Most of the people have a habit of just filling the shelves of their wardrobe. But along with new clothes the old clothes also keep on increasing. One must regularly keep on updating and cleaning the cabinets. The extra and unwanted stuff must be given away so that the wardrobe’s precious space can be utilized to the fullest.
Make a good morning routine
A day must start with a real big smile, gratefulness to god, energy, and a healthy drink. A day that has created well is sure to give you good news and happy and satisfactory moments all day.
Get rid of bad mental habits
The basic need for simplification is to give ease to the mind. A mind that is free and fresh can create histories. Just delete all kinds of bad memories from your mind. Bad memories always act as the biggest hindrance to the growth of a person. Also, there must be no space for negative thoughts in mind.
Pay off your debts
Debts or liabilities must be paid off as soon as possible. One must have the prime aim of paying off the debt, if any, as soon as you get some income source. Obligations are the biggest headache to the lender as well as the receiver. Debt is a crucial factor contributing to mental sickness and stress. Reliving this mental stress is the best way to simplify your life. Once you get rid of the debt, you can manage your finances in a much better way.
It helps to plan your budget and also set long term financial plans. It helps make a better picture of upcoming projects and ascertain the costs, profits, and losses.
Find forms of entertainment
Do what you love. Track your passion. Spend time doing things and activities that give you joy and peace. Running behind the goals, the man has forgotten to enjoy life and pursue their hobbies. Recognize the sources of fun and entertainment. I spent a little time doing things that give you Goosebumps and make you feel rejuvenated. This adds up to the simplification of life as you feel free and relaxed.
Say no to excess mobiles and T.V.
T.V. and mobiles are seriously an excellent means to waste time. People and students spent so much of their crucial time watching movies, daily soaps, etc. on TV. This is unproductive. Additionally, it is a sheer loss when mobile is used to play games and just chit chats here and there. Life is so busy, and there are so many tasks that such a waste of time is not affordable. Instead, one can spend this time doing something worthwhile or valuable. This will enable you to feel more content. Thus by cutting these unnecessary steps, life can be simplified to a great extent.
Stay away from negative people
Pessimistic people not just send negative vibes but also drain all the energy. They also play a significant role in de-motivating and decreasing the self-confidence of a person. Try to stay away from such kinds of people as much as possible. Even if they come close to you, divert the topic or walk away from them. This will simplify your life significantly. Such people are obstacles in the path of happiness and prosperity. The company of such people affects your name and goodwill as well.
Life becomes very simple and straightforward if there is no one to manipulate you or talk about life’s negative aspects.
Everyone must have a plan for his or her life. You must be clear about what you want and how you will be able to achieve it. Then plan your routines and activities accordingly. When you don’t have a pre-set outline or a to-do list, life becomes clumsy and confusing. You don’t know the exact course of action and end up doing the wrong things or making wrong decisions.
Thus one must live an organized and well-planned life. There must be no room for’ if’s and but’s.’ Life will become very simple and easy going if you live according to the planned course of action and keep willpower on the pre-decided track. Planning is thus essential to simplify your life and balance the day to day activities and tasks.
Learn how to say “No”
Many of you are of nature that you can’t deny anyone about anything. This seldom adds to your clutter and increases your tension and pressure. These unwanted tasks and activities increase your workload and disturb the daily routine. It may disrupt the balance of your life as well/
Helping is good, and you must benefit everyone, but that extended help in no way should disturb your course of life. When we are clear of our priorities and what is essential to be happy and satisfied, you can clearly distinguish between what has to be done and what to be avoided.
When you start saying “No’ to waste or unproductive activities, it will automatically simplify your life. Fewer activities mean less pressure, fewer obligations, and thus a more simple and happy life.
Spend less time on social media
An average person spends so many hours on social media. One can spend his entire day on social media sites like Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Instagram, etc.
Social media is an excellent means to stay in touch with so many people and increase your network, but, at the same time, it can be proved as a waste of valuable time when you start exerting excess time on it.
For example, Students often ruin their careers due to this. The time that is given to studies is given to these networking sites. Then they are left with nothing except guilt and repent. Everything must be done within limits. Too much of anything disturbs life. Thus by diverting these hours towards something productive and valuable will simplify your life. It will reduce the workload and increase your efficiency too.
Fix your priorities
Before starting to find means to simplify your life, one must first decide what is important and how you want your life to look. After seeing what you want out of your life, one has to decide how to achieve the desired experience. Thus, it is essential to fix life priorities before planning or taking any further action. Making a list of priorities makes it easy to decide what has to be done and what has to be ignored.
All the steps taken to simplify life must be aimed at achieving the desired goal. All the extra clutter that may hold you back is thus eliminated. Life becomes simple when you can focus on your priorities and therefore feel content and happy.
It will not only clear your mind by deleting all the confusion but also motivate you to be more dedicated and faithful towards your work. Simplification of life and fixing of priorities go hand in hand. If you cannot recognize your desires and simplify your life accordingly, you cannot be happy and relaxed.
Switch to the latest technology, i.e., get updated
The advent of technology has no doubt simplified our lives to a great extent. With the help of the latest machines and technologies, numerous times, taking steps can be avoided. Also, the work that used to take hours can be done in very little time. Productivity and efficiency can be increased to a great extent using the latest technology. One must be well-updated and know all the existing updates that can make his life more comfortable and superficial.
Modernization is necessary not in the home’s daily routine activities but also the office and workplace. This will make life simpler, more comfortable, and better.
Take care of your health
One must do regular exercises, yoga, and meditation for physical fitness, and stay away from chronic illness and diseases. Physical and mental fitness is essential to living a simple and happy life. Also, stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and take a balanced and nutritious diet for a healthy heart and liver.
One who is fit from health and mind can make better decisions—also, the activeness and freshness increase. Thus, everything in life looks simpler and happening.
To illustrate this,
Once there was a woman who was a housewife. All burdened with family responsibilities. She also wanted to do something for herself to earn money and self-confidence. She started working for the household as she woke up and spent all her day looking after her husband and children. She had no time for self-care or to pursue her career and become successful in life. This made her so unhappy and depressed. She also had a shallow level of self-confidence.
After reading books and attending some motivational seminars, she learned about the different concepts of life. She recognized herself and fixed her life; she also switched to some modern techniques to simplify her household work. She set a goal for herself as what she wanted from her life.
After setting the aim, she began to plan to simplify her life and reduce her head’s clutter. She just eliminated all the unwanted things and unwanted negative people from her life. She made a list of priorities and the things that made her feel content and happy.
Thus she began to feel free and happy. She started teaching in a school to earn a livelihood and pursue her career aim. Hence now she lives a simpler life, stress-free, content, and very happy.
Of course, life is very complicated, and everyone is so busy and preoccupied. This is the only reason why the simplification of life is necessary. By simplifying life, it becomes joyous and overwhelming.
However, it cannot be done in a single stroke or through a one day plan. Simplification is a continuous process. One has to be very thoughtful and open-minded. Having a broad vision and focusing on priorities will enable you to make the right decisions on simplifying life.